Harmony Condom Latex Sheets


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SKU: M12838 Category:


The latex oral condom serves as a barrier that helps reduce the transmission of bodily fluids, harmful pathogens, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral/genital and oral/anal sex. When used correctly, the oral condom helps reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs); however, this does not completely eliminate the risk of STIs. To get the most out of your prophylactic oral condom, use it correctly every time you have oral/vaginal or oral/anal sex. Protect your partner as well as yourself with the Harmony Latex oral condom.

Approved: The Harmony oral condom is the only oral condom approved by Health Canada and the FDA.

Condom size: 6”x 10” (15cm x 25cm).

The box contains: 6 condoms, individually wrapped.